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Friday, October 08, 2004

Spring Butts

A spring butt is someone, according to my indoctrination into military-speak years ago, who doesn't wait for a question to be completely asked before launching from a chair (or stool) to begin answering. George Bush and John Kerry are now my primary examples of spring butts. Both candidates were overly eager to answer questions in tonight's debate.

Regardless of both fellows using skewed facts, the debate in my mind was a tie. Both were clear and well-spoken. Mr. Bush did get a little riled up partway through the debate, but was able to keep himself from looking too frustrated.

One more debate to go. Bush leads in electoral votes according to polls, despite being neck and neck with Kerry in the popular vote. And we all know it's the electoral vote that counts. Red states. Blue states. Are there any White (no pun intended) states?

My concern is that while I prefer Kerry over Bush due primarily to Bush's decision to invade Iraq, it may be too much of an upheaval to make the leadership changeover between Bush and Kerry. I'm sure Bush is banking on this idea in order to win the election, too.

Oh, I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation of the election results...but I'm not springing my butt out of my chair just yet.

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